martes, 26 de julio de 2011


Si has encontrado esto es que eres muy lista y seguro que encuentras el tesoro así que ¡SUERTE!

La 2º pista es:
¡Busca donde nunca buscarias!

Información extra:
Las puertas se abren

viernes, 15 de julio de 2011


Yesterday Morning I went to ESIC. The first class was English. I studied the advertisments and did an advertisment. After went to room of teachers. It is very pretty.
At 12:00 went to class of informatica and studied the programms of music.
At 2:00 went to my home and eat lunch. After go to pack and my friends.

lunes, 11 de julio de 2011


The dolphins can jump very high, it is really fantastic

The jellyfish can bite you and it can swell. Ouch!

This is a fish fiss, because they love.

The moray fish is very long, it is like a snake.

The starfish is very pretty because is like Patricio.

jueves, 7 de julio de 2011

martes, 5 de julio de 2011

Visit Valencia

Hi! I'm Laura. I have been thinking... What can you do in Valencia in the holidays? Well, if you are new, you can start off with a tour around the city on a red tour bus and listen to the commentaty. If you live here you might visit the Oceanografico or the Science Museum or spend a day at the beach.

If you want to go shopping then the city centre has lots of places to go. I love going to the cinema and bowling too. What else can you do here?

My Presentation

Hello, my name is Laura and this is my new blog. I talking about my summer.